Ngāti Ruapani Society Co-op Ltd is a Māori Community Society that:
Is based on the whakapapa of its members to the lands, lakes and waterways, marine and coastal areas of Waikaremoana, Te Reinga, Wairoa, Pūtere and Gisborne regions that affiliate to Ngāti Ruapani.
Represents Ngāti Ruapani ki Uta, ki Tai in sector engagement with government and non-government departments, Funders, The Crown and other iwi.
Progresses the goals and aspirations of Ngāti Ruapani ki Uta, ki Tai.
Restricted to the ‘rohe’ of Ngāti Ruapani ki Uta, ki Tai.
Build a strong cultural, social, economic and community base for Ngāti Ruapani ki Uta ki Tai
Maintain the ‘mana motuhake’ and ‘tino rangatiratanga’ of the lands, forests, Maintain lakes and waterways, whānau and hapū of Ngāti Ruapani ki Uta ki Tai
Unify all the whānau, hapū, land trusts, governance entities within Ngāti Ruapani ki Uta ki Tai, under a community co-operative society structure
Provide governance, education, collaboration and communication to the people of the region in order that they may be able to engage successfully in new economic opportunities.
Actively maintain and have involvement in protecting the water rights of our regions.
Build membership opportunities for shared growth, innovation and opportunities.
Whānaubased–representatives from respective whānau, owners, beneficiaries, and those who whakapapa to all Ruapani whenua and moana of Waikaremoana are Ngāti Ruapaniki Uta, ki Tai.
Wharenui model–each whānau symbolises a ‘pou’ or pillar of the house and they are the tūāpapa of the house. Hui are conducted in an open and transparent way.
Tikanga Māori based–“me kōrerotewh are”. Collective decision making by consensus –“let the house/iwi speak”. This model gives power to the people as they have control over their Board of Directors by majority vote and having the right to speak in hui.
Based on Mātāponoor Guiding Principles-of tika (truth), pono(honesty), transparency, accountability and tataupounamu (peace-making, reconciliation), whanaungatanga, matemate-ā-one (unconditional love).
Voluntary and open membership–anyone who can whakapapa to Ruapani and lakes of Waikaremoana and who wants to become a member can do so by registering with NgātiRuapaniCo-op Ltd.
Democratic member control–The whānau who make up its members control the co-operative by electing its Board of Directors and by taking an active part in unifying the whānau, hapūand iwi of Ruapani and who participate and promote the co-op’s meetings and activities.
Please register.
Autonomy and independence–Ngāti Ruapani Society Co-op Ltd is controlled by the whānau who its members are and who maintain the ‘tikanga’ and ‘mana motuhake’ of their own whānau as a unified form of Māori communal leadership.
Continuing cooperative education, training, and information–Ngāti Ruapani Society Co-op Ltd hasa duty to educate members and the community in general about the co-operative form of business based on its unique principles as a valuable part of whānau based leadership.
Unity of its members and co-operation with other entities–understanding the reasons they belong to a Ngāti Ruapani Society Co-op Ltd means that members see the value that comes from unity and collaborating with other entities of Ruapani either Waikaremoana. Tuhoe or Kahungunu as being one of the strengths of Ngāti Ruapani Co-op.
Concern for community–as a multigenerational community co-op, while focusing on the needs of current members, Ngāti Ruapani Society Co-op Ltd works for the sustainable development of our communities through policies approved by their members with the next generation of members in mind.
Ngāti Ruapani Society Co-op has been formed to unite our people from the Forest to the Coast.
The Directors are devoted to fostering the following:
How to Register:
Register here on our website or by sending us an email to [email protected].
When you register with the Co-op you will receive up to date news, developments and offerings as we move forward with the Ngāti Ruapani ki Uta ki Tai strategy.