Te Ao Māori eBook
Normally $30.00
Te Ao Māori – The Māori World, was first published in 2008 by Raupo Publishers, and provides a fascinating account of the origins, culture and protocols of the Māori people, The book is beautifully illustrated and written bi-lingually (in Māori and English). He tino taonga te pukapuka nei. This book is a real treasure!
E ngä uri o ngä hau e whä o te ao, tënä koutou, tënä koutou, tënä koutou katoa. Tënei rä te mihi atu ki a koe e ako nei i te reo me ngä tikanga o te ao Mäori o Aotearoa.
To the descendants of the four winds of the earth, greetings, greetings, greetings to you all. I pay tribute to you in learning the language and the traditions of the Mäori world of Aotearoa New Zealand.
E whai ake ana ko ëtahi pitopito körero e pä ana ki te ao Mäori o Aotearoa. E whä ngä wähanga o tënei köpae ataata.